Thermostat Screen Is Blank

thermostat screen is blank

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“Smart” programmable thermostats are among the best upgrades to any home. These devices maximize the efficiency of your HVAC system, save money, maintain constant temperatures, and reduce the amount of time you spend regulating the temperature in your house. But when the thermostat goes blank, these advantages might turn into false hopes.

Continue reading to find out why occasionally your thermostat screen is blank and how you can fix the problem. Often, it’s simply a small problem that you can handle on your own without the need for professional assistance.

Why Is the Thermostat Screen Is Blank?

You probably use your thermostat the most when you connect to your AC system. It might therefore be rather startling to discover your thermostat screen is blank. But there’s no need to freak out. A thermostat’s screen could be blank for a variety of causes, most of which have easy-to-solve solutions. The following are typical causes of why your thermostat screen is blank:

AC Access Door Is Open

This defense – AC access closed – keeps unwanted access and damage to your HVAC system at bay. It is quite easy to overlook an open access door, especially one that is slightly opened. However, it becomes apparent that there is a bigger issue when you take into account that dust and other particles might enter and cause significant damage.

These factors led some HVAC manufacturers to design a system that, if your access door is not closed to your satisfaction, will display a blank screen on your thermostat to alert you.

Blown-Out Fuse

There is a limit to how much current the fuse can conduct; exceeding that limit may cause the fuse to blow. You will need a multimeter, which is a tool that measures voltage inconsistencies when your thermostat screen is blank and isn’t working, to verify if this is indeed the situation.

First things first: find the fuse box next to the AC on the house’s outdoor wall. Put the multimeter in place on each fuse in the Fusebox. Should any of the fuses be without voltage, the multimeter will show it.

Damaged Thermostat

If your thermostat screen is blank, it is highly damaged. The thermostat will need to be fixed or replaced. The greatest solution might be offered by an HVAC professional who can thoroughly look at the thermostat.

Expired Or Dead Batteries

Changing the batteries could be the easiest way to solve the problem. If you can access the batteries, changing the batteries is quite simple, although it varies depending on the model because the removable battery chambers are different.

Thermostat batteries often don’t need to be changed for a time, unless the battery is expired or dead or the device is shipped with damaged batteries. This may mean that changing the battery is the best course of action.

Inappropriate Installation

Let’s say you have never installed a household appliance before, yet you installed your HVAC system. If so, the day will come when your thermostat’s screen becomes blank. If you trusted untrained technicians to handle the installation, the results would remain the same. It is therefore essential that you hire professionals with an established record of being effective in installing and maintaining your system.

Low Brightness

It may surprise you to learn that certain thermostats provide a brightness setting. The reason you might be staring at a seemingly blank screen could be that the brightness is set very low.

If the thermostat display brightness is set too low, adjust it to your preferred level.

Old Thermostat

Have you utilized every troubleshooting trick available, but the screen on your thermostat remains blank? Maybe it’s time for something new.

The typical thermostat lasts for ten years. It will not perform as it originally did if it is more than ten years old. Older thermostats may have trouble sensing the temperature correctly, which makes it challenging to keep your house pleasant.

For an automatic and more convenient option, upgrade to a smart thermostat. With the help of smart thermostats, you can keep your house at the ideal temperature without having to make frequent adjustments. Smart thermostats can also help you control your electrical bills and save energy.

Power Outage

After a power outage, the screen on your thermostat may become blank. It can take some time for your thermostat to switch back on, even after the electricity is back on. This is meant to protect against potential damage from an unexpected power spike that can occur after the electrical power is restored.

Here’s where resetting your thermostat can come in handy. Depending on your model, there may be differences in how to reset the thermostat. For instructions, see your handbook. Smart thermostats may be reset by simply taking them from the wall for one or two minutes. For digital thermostats, you can look for a recessed reset button.

Short Cycling

Your device may be short-cycling if you notice that your thermostat goes blank and then returns. The most frequent cause of such is clogged air filters. Your system overheats because of a clogged filter that blocks airflow. A system that becomes too hot will shut down before finishing its cycle. Additional causes include a tripped breaker, a refrigerant leak, and an incorrectly sized unit.

It is recommended that you replace your filters every three months. Maintaining your air filter regularly can guarantee its efficient functioning and protection against short cycling issues.

Triggered Circuit Breaker

Very likely, your thermostat and excessively powerful devices or appliances are on the same circuit breaker. Your thermostat’s power may be cut off by the breaker due to a surge from the high-power device, leaving a blank screen. If that is the case, flip the switch to restart the power.

Triggered Safety Switch

More expensive thermostats have safety switches that turn off the electricity to your heating or cooling system if they detect damage. The freezing of the evaporator coils, which causes an excess of moisture to drain from the AC system, is one frequent cause. The safety switch makes sure that the device doesn’t sustain any more damage until you have time to diagnose it yourself or call a professional for assistance.

Can’t Figure Out Why Your Thermostat Is Blank?

Should you still be unable to figure out the reason why your thermostat is blank, contact a professional HVAC service. If you need assistance installing a new device or troubleshooting a blank thermostat, they can help you. Most of them provide a wide range of services related to HVAC. Get in touch with them to replace your thermostat and arrange an inspection.

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